Savvy Podcasting Solutions

Hi there! I'm Nancy!

I support coaches, founders and CEOs with their podcast post-production needs. Whether you’re launching a new podcast, looking to enhance your audio quality, or requiring assistance with various post-production tasks, my expertise is tailored to elevate your podcasting experience.

Hi there! I'm Nancy!

I support coaches, founders and CEOs with their podcast post-production needs. Whether you're launching a new podcast, looking to enhance your audio quality, or requiring assistance with various post-production tasks, my expertise is tailored to elevate your podcasting experience.

As Your Podcast Manager...

I understand that the decision to outsource something so dear to you may not come easily, and I want you to know that I don’t take this opportunity lightly. I am committed to providing you with the absolute best service that I can offer—my 100% at all times. To me, that means treating your podcast as though it were my own.

I understand that podcast post-production can be quite overwhelming. Instead of spending countless hours navigating the intricacies, I am here to alleviate that burden, allowing you to focus on your zone of genius. When working with me, you’re not just outsourcing your podcast’s post-production tasks; you’re getting a podcasting enthusiast who values storytelling and immersive content. You’re opting for an all-in-one solution for your podcasting needs. Your podcast is more than audio or video; it’s your voice, your vision, and your brand. And I’m here to ensure it sounds its best, resonates with your audience, and leaves a lasting impression.

My Services

Meet Nancy Kwamboka

A savvy podcast manager by trade and an electrical engineer by training. With a ton of hobbies she barely has time for😊. One of them is writing.

For me, Savvy Podcasting Solutions is more than just  podcast post production; I am committed to making podcasting easy for my clients.  When you choose to work with me, you’re not simply delegating tasks – you’re entering into a partnership with someone who’s genuinely invested in your success and wants to see you thrive

How this Works

Book a Free Intro Call

Our intro call is a perfect time for me to learn more about your show and how I can help.

Contract Signing

Once we've discussed the kind of support you are looking for, I'll send you a contract for review.

Let the Magic Begin!

Once you’ve decided to hire me, we’ll sign a contract and start working on your podcast!

Book a Free Discovery Call

Our intro call is a perfect time for me to learn more about your show and how I can help.

Contract Signing

Once we've discussed the kind of support you are looking for, I'll send you a contract for review.

Let the Magic Begin!

Once you’ve decided to hire me, we’ll sign a contract and start working on your podcast!

Happy Clients

Untitled design (31)

To listen to the actual episodes

Untitled design (31)

To listen to the actual episodes

Untitled design (31)

To listen to the actual episodes

Untitled design (31)

To listen to the actual episodes

Untitled design (31)

To listen to the actual episodes

Ready to Start a Stress-free Podcasting Journey?

With support from the right person, podcasting isn't as hard as it may seem to be. Let's have a coffee chat to find out how I can help you!

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